Timor-Leste (East Timor) In a Nutshell (Countryball Animation) KB Mapping 2:21 5 years ago 18 696 Далее Скачать
East Timor independence: a short history of a long and brutal struggle Guardian Australia 4:13 5 years ago 250 788 Далее Скачать
Do You Know the Capital of East Timor? 🇹🇱 Let's See! #Challenge #Quiz #LearnOnYouTube Expensive Mind 0:11 2 days ago 3 Далее Скачать
East-Timor In Nutshell || Countryballs shitpost #memes #countryballs LordFulcrum 0:30 7 months ago 1 696 Далее Скачать
Indonesia occupation of east timor in a nutshell Indonesiaballs Art 'n Memes 0:46 2 years ago 201 Далее Скачать
What is EAST-TIMOR? 🇹🇱 Unveiling Southeast Asia's Least Visited Country! Little Chinese Everywhere 24:49 7 months ago 285 410 Далее Скачать